
「奢華是個過時的概念!」Jonathan Anderson看破時尚與創作的20句直率語錄

身兼Loewe、JW Anderson創意總監,Jonathan Anderson依然不斷地以創意驚豔時尚圈!

jonathan anderson:「奢華是個過時的概念!」loewe設計師看破時尚的20句語錄
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於2008年創立個人品牌JW Anderson,並於2013年開始擔任Loewe創意總監的設計師Jonathan Anderson,以獨特的藝文設計視角而聞名於時尚圈,可稱是當代最具代表性的服裝設計師之一。即便同時執掌兩個品牌,Jonathan Anderson憑著挑戰傳統性別概念的設計、創新大膽的材料使用,依然屢屢成功地在時裝周的眾多大秀中脫穎而出,成為話題討論焦點。其個人品牌JW Anderson更接連與Uniqlo、Converse、Moncler聯名,推出許多令人驚豔的作品,證明了Jonathan Anderson並未因同時兼任兩品牌創意總監而失去設計動能,反而持續追求服裝的設計創新。如今個人品牌已成立滿十五週年、擔任Loewe創意總監已滿十年的Jonathan Anderson,對於服裝設計懷抱的熱忱非但並未減少,更持續用其獨特的創意思維打造精彩作品,並於2023年一次榮獲英國時尚大獎的「年度設計師」與CFDA美國時裝設計師協會的「國際設計師」兩項大獎。可能就如Jonathan Anderson自己所言:「我只是喜歡這份工作。」以單純的熱情為出發,相信我們將可期待不斷挑戰自我的Jonathan Anderson繼續用作品驚艷下一個世代。以下讓我們用Jonathan Anderson的20句名言金句,帶你品味他的獨到時尚見解與創作觀!


「走自己的路,否則你會被潮流污染!」山本耀司Yohji Yamamoto顛覆主流的20句哲理語錄

「與眾不同是一種優勢,不被貼標籤是很有力量的!」Valentino設計師Pierpaolo Piccioli的15句智慧語錄

「如果妳不工作、只靠男人,怎麼會快樂?」Miuccia Prada拒絕常規的20句智慧語錄

Jonathan Anderson語錄:關於奢華

jonathan anderson:「奢華是個過時的概念!」loewe創意總監看破時尚的25句語錄
Danny Martindale//Getty Images

"The idea of luxury no longer exists. It is a bygone word."


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Jonathan Anderson語錄:關於犯錯

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Estrop//Getty Images

"You have to let yourself open up to the idea of wrongness. as a designer you want to evolve, and you can’t really evolve without criticism."


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Jonathan Anderson語錄:關於挑戰

jonathan anderson:「奢華是個過時的概念!」loewe創意總監看破時尚的25句語錄
Mike Marsland//Getty Images

"I think you need struggle. If you don’t have it then you’re not going to produce anything, because you have nothing to fight for."


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Jonathan Anderson語錄:關於創造話題

jonathan anderson:「奢華是個過時的概念!」loewe創意總監看破時尚的25句語錄
Victor Virgile//Getty Images

"I’ve never gone out to do anything controversial, I find it mundane that people think that."


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Jonathan Anderson語錄:關於動力

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Dimitrios Kambouris//Getty Images

"Sometimes people are curious to know how we do all of it, but ultimately you do it because it’s the only thing that keeps you going."


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Jonathan Anderson語錄:關於熱情

jonathan anderson:「奢華是個過時的概念!」loewe創意總監看破時尚的25句語錄
Victor Virgile//Getty Images

"I just love the work… and I hate bullshit."


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Jonathan Anderson語錄:關於時尚

jonathan anderson:「奢華是個過時的概念!」loewe創意總監看破時尚的25句語錄
Victor Virgile//Getty Images

"Fashion is an archetype: you’re trying to build a silhouette, and that is very similar to building up a building because you’re trying to create a new structure, a new proportion, a new shape, and you’re using a material to cut which is a bit mathematical."


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Jonathan Anderson語錄:關於何謂時尚

jonathan anderson:「奢華是個過時的概念!」loewe創意總監看破時尚的25句語錄
Victor Virgile//Getty Images

"I will never see fashion as an art form. I see it as being more mechanical."


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Jonathan Anderson語錄:關於影響力

jonathan anderson:「奢華是個過時的概念!」loewe創意總監看破時尚的25句語錄
Taylor Hill//Getty Images

"Fashion is something you do that has the potential to change culture, to infiltrate ideas and influence people."


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Jonathan Anderson語錄:關於設計

jonathan anderson:「奢華是個過時的概念!」loewe創意總監看破時尚的25句語錄
Pascal Le Segretain//Getty Images

"What I like in design is that progression, it can be a jolted progression but I like the consistency of our progression. It tights the overall impact and you develop ideas in a more concise way."


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Jonathan Anderson語錄:關於創作理念

jonathan anderson:「奢華是個過時的概念!」loewe創意總監看破時尚的25句語錄
Catwalking//Getty Images

"Sometimes, you know, it doesn’t have to be perfect, it doesn’t have to be glossy, it doesn’t have to be all these different things. It needs to be sometimes just honest."


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Jonathan Anderson語錄:關於危機

jonathan anderson:「奢華是個過時的概念!」loewe創意總監看破時尚的25句語錄
Victor Virgile//Getty Images

"I think sometimes, it’s actually a really good moment to start in a crisis, because it’s not just about selling at the moment. It’s about ideas."


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Jonathan Anderson語錄:關於商業

jonathan anderson:「奢華是個過時的概念!」loewe創意總監看破時尚的25句語錄
Mike Marsland/BFC//Getty Images

"One thing I think I’ve learned is that we put so much emphasis on the business part, and what’s actually happened is we’ve ended the end of the last decade with clothing that means nothing."


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Jonathan Anderson語錄:關於責任感

jonathan anderson:「奢華是個過時的概念!」loewe創意總監看破時尚的25句語錄
Pascal Le Segretain//Getty Images

"We are going through a phase where, without our own responsibility, we lose this generation quicker."


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Jonathan Anderson語錄:關於創新

jonathan anderson:「奢華是個過時的概念!」loewe創意總監看破時尚的25句語錄
Vittorio Zunino Celotto//Getty Images

"As we step into this decade, newness and immediacy is key."


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Jonathan Anderson語錄:關於時尚產業現況

jonathan anderson:「奢華是個過時的概念!」loewe創意總監看破時尚的25句語錄
Victor Virgile//Getty Images

"The state fashion industry is so fractured at the moment as well. Ideas, trends, garments are just whipping by."


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Jonathan Anderson語錄:關於社群文化

jonathan anderson:「奢華是個過時的概念!」loewe創意總監看破時尚的25句語錄
Peter White//Getty Images

"We live in the world of the ‘like’ culture. As a society we’re consuming so much imagery it’s like gorging on sugar, and the only way to find depth in a “like” culture is by presenting the unknown."


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Jonathan Anderson語錄:關於價值

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John Phillips//Getty Images

"We are privileged to be able to speak on the computer, we’re privileged to be able to read all the books online, we’re privileged to be able to travel around the world, we’re privileged that we have electricity. But if we’re not careful, we’re going to forget actually what it all stands for, because we just get it anyway."


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Jonathan Anderson語錄:關於時裝秀

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Victor Virgile//Getty Images

"I want every show to be the best show. It’s not that I don’t want each show to be the best and beat the last show, but I am feeling a little like I am ready to detach a bit so that you don’t get consumed by the character."


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Jonathan Anderson語錄:關於改變

jonathan anderson:「奢華是個過時的概念!」loewe創意總監看破時尚的25句語錄
Victor Virgile//Getty Images

"I just love the work. And I love to be able to change along the way as well, because I always think that when things get really good you have to change them — and this is the hardest thing."


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