
「真正的富裕來自心靈與思想,而非口袋有多深!」LV男裝創意總監Pharrell Williams的20句跨界人生語錄

編輯說:不論是人生態度或創作,Pharrell Williams都是大膽迎向改變的最佳典範!

菲董:「真正的富裕來自心靈與思想,而非口袋有多深!」lv男裝創意總監pharrell williams的20句人生語錄
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Louis Vuitton在繼前任男裝創意總監Virgil Abloh病逝後,驚喜地由「菲董」Pharrell Williams接下重擔,一度在時尚圈掀起軒然大波,由他執掌的首季2024春夏男裝大秀,更是近年來最盛大的時裝秀之一。曾奪下13座葛萊美音樂大獎、擁有10億串流流量的暢銷嘻哈歌手的Pharrell Williams,除了是眾多巨星的指名合作製作人,還身兼藝術家、製作人及服裝設計師等多重身分。菲董不僅曾與Kenzo創意總監Nigo共同創立服飾品牌Billionaire Boys Club,成為眾多潮流人士追求的時尚指標外,更曾憑自身美感將Chanel吊墜與寶石串接成自製項鍊,而因此與Karl Lagerfeld牽上線,成為第一位代言香奈兒包款的男明星。此外,早在皆下Louis Vuitton男裝創意總監以前,Pharrell在2004、2008年便與LV合作推出「Blason Jewelry」及「Rock on Cherub」系列!跨越多樣領域的種種輝煌事蹟,皆體現菲董引領時髦潮流走向的獨特眼光與實力,而能夠在各樣身分間自由轉換並屢屢創下好成績,絕非只是憑著僥倖,更多的是Pharrell Williams大膽擁抱不確定性的開放思維,以下我們透過20句Pharrell Williams的名言語錄,細細品味菲董的人生態度。


「走自己的路,否則你會被潮流污染!」山本耀司Yohji Yamamoto顛覆主流的20句哲理語錄

「與眾不同是一種優勢,不被貼標籤是很有力量的!」Valentino設計師Pierpaolo Piccioli的15句智慧語錄

「即使是眾人認為醜陋的東西,我也能找到美!」Alexander McQueen看透時尚的15句反叛語錄

菲董Pharrell Williams語錄精選:關於不確定性

菲董:「真正的富裕來自心靈與思想,而非口袋有多深!」lv男裝創意總監pharrell williams的20句人生語錄
Christian Vierig//Getty Images

"I like to dance with uncertainty. Because what's on the other side of it? You just don't know what's on the other side of the song, or the other side of that T-shirt, or the other side of those kicks, the other side of a kiss. You just don't know what's on the other side. That uncertainty. Every day we do that. Every day you wake up."


菲董Pharrell Williams語錄精選:關於富裕

菲董:「真正的富裕來自心靈與思想,而非口袋有多深!」lv男裝創意總監pharrell williams的20句人生語錄
JULIEN DE ROSA//Getty Images

"Wealth is of the heart and mind, not the pocket."


菲董Pharrell Williams語錄精選:關於態度

菲董:「真正的富裕來自心靈與思想,而非口袋有多深!」lv男裝創意總監pharrell williams的20句人生語錄
Claudio Lavenia//Getty Images

"I can't work according to parameters laid down by other people – that just doesn't fit my personality. I need to follow my own instincts and I've learnt that this attitude is always going to take me where I want to go as an artist."


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菲董Pharrell Williams語錄精選:關於創作

菲董:「真正的富裕來自心靈與思想,而非口袋有多深!」lv男裝創意總監pharrell williams的20句人生語錄
Amy Sussman//Getty Images

"A lot of my creativity is a gift, but without discipline you're never going to get anywhere. I'm lucky that I've always felt free to do what I wanted. When I've been obliged to work within constraints imposed by others I've decided to quit those projects."


菲董Pharrell Williams語錄精選:關於觀察

菲董:「真正的富裕來自心靈與思想,而非口袋有多深!」lv男裝創意總監pharrell williams的20句人生語錄
Alexander Tamargo//Getty Images

"I’m a people watcher – so regular, everyday people. My mind works like Google: you see all the different versions and get the most popular answer. Except the less popular is always an interesting step down."


菲董Pharrell Williams語錄精選:關於靈感

菲董:「真正的富裕來自心靈與思想,而非口袋有多深!」lv男裝創意總監pharrell williams的20句人生語錄
Axelle/Bauer-Griffin//Getty Images

"I draw inspiration from everything. Usually it starts with a feeling or impression that puts me in a good frame of mind or mood. It can be just a word or an image that makes me think of something and then it takes off from there."


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菲董Pharrell Williams語錄精選:關於時尚

菲董:「真正的富裕來自心靈與思想,而非口袋有多深!」lv男裝創意總監pharrell williams的20句人生語錄
Pascal Le Segretain//Getty Images

"Fashion is great. As a performer, you're on stage wearing a lot of different outfits and there's always been a connection for me. I love the way fashion helps people express their individuality."


菲董Pharrell Williams語錄精選:關於獨特性

菲董:「真正的富裕來自心靈與思想,而非口袋有多深!」lv男裝創意總監pharrell williams的20句人生語錄
WWD//Getty Images

"It's great when I see guys come up with their own looks or when I see someone wearing an item I've designed and match it with other designers' creations. That's where the real power and excitement of fashion come into play and you see people creating their own distinctive style and identity."


菲董Pharrell Williams語錄精選:關於風格

菲董:「真正的富裕來自心靈與思想,而非口袋有多深!」lv男裝創意總監pharrell williams的20句人生語錄
Julien M. Hekimian//Getty Images

"I wasn't really into "textbook fashion." My fashion was whatever sport brand tees or skate tees. You know, a mixture."


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菲董Pharrell Williams語錄精選:關於古怪

菲董:「真正的富裕來自心靈與思想,而非口袋有多深!」lv男裝創意總監pharrell williams的20句人生語錄
Michael Kovac//Getty Images

"I never really had a style like that. Nondescript, regular, average kid. Just a little more quirky… and then when you become a musician... then it becomes convenient. Your quirkiness becomes your thing."


菲董Pharrell Williams語錄精選:關於感覺

菲董:「真正的富裕來自心靈與思想,而非口袋有多深!」lv男裝創意總監pharrell williams的20句人生語錄
Paul Morigi//Getty Images

"Fashion is more about feel than science."


菲董Pharrell Williams語錄精選:關於奢華

菲董:「真正的富裕來自心靈與思想,而非口袋有多深!」lv男裝創意總監pharrell williams的20句人生語錄
Tibrina Hobson//Getty Images

"For me, another word for convenience is luxury. It is about the convenience of design and the design of convenience."


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菲董Pharrell Williams語錄精選:關於計畫

菲董:「真正的富裕來自心靈與思想,而非口袋有多深!」lv男裝創意總監pharrell williams的20句人生語錄
NBC//Getty Images

"There's never really been a plan, and every time I thought I had a plan, the universe… well, it's never really worked out for me."


菲董Pharrell Williams語錄精選:關於自由

菲董:「真正的富裕來自心靈與思想,而非口袋有多深!」lv男裝創意總監pharrell williams的20句人生語錄
Mauricio Santana//Getty Images

"I love when things are transparent, free and clear of all inhibition and judgment."


菲董Pharrell Williams語錄精選:關於創造

菲董:「真正的富裕來自心靈與思想,而非口袋有多深!」lv男裝創意總監pharrell williams的20句人生語錄
Jeff Kravitz//Getty Images

"Some people say there's nothing new under the sun. I still think that there's room to create, you know. And intuition doesn't necessarily come from under this sun. It comes from within."


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菲董Pharrell Williams語錄精選:關於共同創作

菲董:「真正的富裕來自心靈與思想,而非口袋有多深!」lv男裝創意總監pharrell williams的20句人生語錄
Djamilla Rosa Cochran//Getty Images

"I pride myself on being a collaborator. My greatest collaborations are where you find my best work. And I always like to work with people who are smarter and more talented than me, because not only can I learn something, but we get to make really great work. So it's no different [than music]."


菲董Pharrell Williams語錄精選:關於啟發

菲董:「真正的富裕來自心靈與思想,而非口袋有多深!」lv男裝創意總監pharrell williams的20句人生語錄
Julien M. Hekimian//Getty Images

"And so, if it’s just me by myself, okay, cool. But I find that the energy that other people have is the greatest – other people are like hotspots for me. I write differently when an artist is trying to express something, or there’s something I think they should be expressing. That's what we call inspiration. Inspiration is a vibe… That's the job. I'm loyal to that."


菲董Pharrell Williams語錄精選:關於選擇

菲董:「真正的富裕來自心靈與思想,而非口袋有多深!」lv男裝創意總監pharrell williams的20句人生語錄
Estevan Oriol//Getty Images

"Most of the time, I see what I see, I search my feelings, and then I make my decisions based on my gut - and I don't always make the right ones."


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菲董Pharrell Williams語錄精選:關於命運

菲董:「真正的富裕來自心靈與思想,而非口袋有多深!」lv男裝創意總監pharrell williams的20句人生語錄
Kevin Winter//Getty Images

"You can’t tell the universe what’s going to be written. You can work with it, co-conspire and cocreate, but you can’t tell the universe what’s going to be."


菲董Pharrell Williams語錄精選:關於感激

菲董:「真正的富裕來自心靈與思想,而非口袋有多深!」lv男裝創意總監pharrell williams的20句人生語錄
Johnny Nunez//Getty Images

"I am more grateful than anything. Happiness is not always guaranteed, but gratitude is something that you can have every day."


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